We are inviting you to come and join us, Marc's Eatery is celebrating our 2 Year Anniversary on Friday night, the 01 st of Noveber 2019 from 18.30 till Midnight

Tickets cost 80 BWP per person and can be paid before hand at the Eatery or on the night at the entrance gate. Ticket includes finger food and music to boogie too provided by DJ Andy. VENUE: Marc's Eatery TIME: Music starts at 18:30 till Midnight - Bar is OPEN END We will clear the whole veranda and have an open dance floor to boogie on 🎉 🥂 🍻 🕺 🍴 💵 PLEASE NOTE: to bring cash with you as we will only be having a cash bar. Book your tickets under info@marcseatery.com or call *6840883. Please feel free to contact us if you need anymore information. #twoyearanniversary #djandy #marcseatery #maun #restaurant #partytime #boogie #dancelikenooneiswatching #fingerfood